Implementing blockchain and smart contracts into construction: a socio-technical framework

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CBC 2022 presentation by Jenni Li. | Watch Left | Left

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As nascent technologies for the construction sector, it is important how blockchain and smart contracts are considered for implementation. Thinking about these systems from just a technological perspective could lead to failure or limit their success. Therefore, it is argued that these systems should be considered as socio-technical systems where society is considered as much as the technologies themselves. In this presentation, an extended socio-technical framework for implementation of blockchain and smart contracts in construction is presented. The framework encompasses four dimensions – technology, process, policy and society. This approach encourages developers, implementers and users of these systems to consider all interactions of the technology to provide the greatest chance of success. The framework is made up of several components: the DLT Four-Dimensional Model, the DLT Actors Model, Taxonomy of Challenges, Taxonomy of Applications, DLT Benefits Pathways, DLT Meso Roadmap and DLT Macro Roadmap. These components can be used individually or as a whole depending on the needs of the user. The presentation will explain how they integrate and justifies the importance of a socio-technical approach.


Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Socio-technical systems, Technological implementation.