Volumetric History Epistemic Permutations of Architectural Re/Construction

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DC I/O 2021 Poster by MELINDA BOGNÁR.
DCIO2021 S3-5 M.Bognar.png


Usually, the evaluation of architectural works is missing the common ground, the shared coordinate system. Artefacts are graded in a subjective manner, thus the message can be easily lost in different un- understanding. In terms of reconstruction, the evaluation is even more diverse, especially if the new artefact should be considered as a copy of the original or a copy of the idea or even a new independent creation. Where the third layer is always the way of perception depending on the viewer. Which can turn upside down the original formula.


Left Video Recording.

Conference Poster

Left Conference Poster.




DOI: https://doi.org/10.47330/DCIO.2021.VQOI1604


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  • Carpo, Mario (2011). Alphabet and the Algorithm. Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press.
  • Carpo, Mario (2017). Second Digital Turn. Cam- bridge (MA): The MIT Press.
  • Michael Foucault (1966). The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. Éditions Galli- mard.
  • Thomas Kuhn (1962). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago Press.