Main Page

From Design Computation
Revision as of 21:30, 6 January 2017 by Abel Maciel (talk | contribs) (Welcome to Design Computation)

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Welcome to Design Computation

Design Computation is the free semantic framework for Design and Computation theories, applications and associated Technologies.

Page Session Description
Category (Invisible) Explore all categories in the wiki.
Key Note Explore key notes from notable contributors.
Abstract Create a short abstract to introduce the page. The abstract does not need a heading. This will not have a heading and will appear on the top of the page under the title.
Synonyms Equivalent topics in order of similitude,listed from equivalent to least equivalent. Hyperlinked.
Definition An abstract defining the topic and outlining the main Propositions of the topic.
Motivation & Background The theoretical framework, reasoning, Intellectual background. Includes detailed Characteristics and Theory.
Structures The mechanism depiction of the topic clarifying Principle, Precision and Generality of the method or theory.
Application Description of cases and application with steps-by-step explanations. This includes or links to Examples with scrips, computer code or mathematical model illustrating the application in the many design development platform available (listed on table in alphabetical order). For each platform (Dynamo, Grasshopper, Processing, etc.), one might find internal and external links.
Future Directions Avoid the term Discussion as this will be addressed on Talk.
Cross-References to parent topis, children topics adjacent topics.
Recommended Reading List of directly and indirectly related references.

You can explore the current categories on this [link].


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