All pages
- A-space or a-type space (Space Syntax)
- AI and design: Sources of “truth”?
- AR BIM Validation: The Prospective of Novel Applications in Site Management
- A Blockchain-based Carbon Auditing Framework for Construction Material and Product (CMP) Certification
- A Blockchain Roadmap
- A Novel Incentive Mechanism for Blockchain-based Carbon Emission Reduction in Construction
- A Smart Contracts Use Case: Built Environment as a Service. A discussion paper for the Construction Blockchain Consortium
- A byte on the side
- A machine learning assisted preliminary design methodology for repetitive design features in complex structures
- Abel Maciel
- Abstract artefacts (Space Syntax)
- Additive Manufacturing with Solid Wood
- Additive Manufacturing with Solid Wood: Continuous robotic laying of multiple wicker filaments through micro lamination
- Adjacent space (Space Syntax)
- Aesthetic Measure of Architectural Photography utilizing Computer Vision: Parts-from-Wholes
- Agent-based model or analysis (Space Syntax)
- Agent of synchronisation (Space Syntax)
- Agents (Space Syntax)
- Aggregation process (Space Syntax)
- All-line axial map (Space Syntax)
- All line analysis (Space Syntax)
- Allocentricity (Space Syntax)
- Allplan PythonPart in Practice
- An Introspective Approach to Apartment Design
- Analytic theory of architecture (Space Syntax)
- Angular choice (Space Syntax)
- Angular integration (Space Syntax)
- Angular mean depth (Space Syntax)
- Angular radius (Space Syntax)
- Angular total depth (Space Syntax)
- Angular total segment length (Space Syntax)
- Angularity (Space Syntax)
- Application Page Template
- Approach to Digital Twins of Woody Vegetation (Trees and Shrubs)
- Architectural Aesthetics and Personality: An Experiment to Research the Correlations Between Personality Traits and Visual Preferences for Complexity in Architectural Scenes
- Architecture of Philip Johnson
- Area-perimeter ratio (Space Syntax)
- Array
- Assembly (BIM)
- Assessing the role of virtual reality as a psychological design tool within current architectural practice
- Asset Information Plan
- Asymmetry (Space Syntax)
- Attractional inequalities (Space Syntax)
- Attractor (Space Syntax)
- Augmenting the Vernacular: The emotional impact of cognitive affordance in the built environment
- Automata (Space Syntax)
- Auxetic materials
- Auxetics
- Averaging effect (Space Syntax)
- Axial analysis (Space Syntax)
- Axial choice (Space Syntax)
- Axial connectivity (Space Syntax)
- Axial control (Space Syntax)
- Axial depth (Space Syntax)
- Axial entropy (Space Syntax)
- Axial global integration (Space Syntax)
- Axial graph (Space Syntax)
- Axial lines
- Axial lines (Space Syntax)
- Axial local integration (Space Syntax)
- Axial map (Space Syntax)
- Axial mean depth (Space Syntax)
- Axial node count (Space Syntax)
- Axial radius-radius (Space Syntax)
- Axial radius-radius core (Space Syntax)
- Axial radius (Space Syntax)
- Axial ringiness (space Syntax)
- Axial space (Space Syntax)
- Axial step depth (Space Syntax)
- Axial synergy (Space Syntax)
- Axial total depth (Space Syntax)
- Axial unlink (Space Syntax)
- B-space or b type space (Space Syntax)
- BCRW 2022
- BCRW 2023
- BIM 3.0: Web3.0, DeFi and the Metaverse
- BIM Execution Plan
- BIM Objects Evolution for Heritage Future Asset Management
- BIM Standards
- BIM and Blockchain - Recommendations of the White Paper
- BIM and Blockchain Keynote
- BIM validation and Smart Contracts to shorten payments and enhance Green Public Procurement in the construction industry
- BIModel
- Background network (Space Syntax)
- Bacton Digital Beach Twin: a Digital Twin for natural assets
- Bank error in your favour
- Barnsbury (Space Syntax)
- Basic Page Template
- Beadiness (Space Syntax)
- Beady ring (Space Syntax)
- Beam me up
- Betweenness Centrality (Space Syntax)
- Bigger brother
- Bioluminescent Pavilion: Temporary Architecture Provides Lighting
- Black, white and red all over
- Block chain
- Blockchain
- Blockchain, Fungibility, and Physical Assets: The Legal View
- Blockchain-based Methods for Securing OpenBIM Models and Workflows for Collaborative Project Management
- Blockchain-ing of Supplier's Management Process
- Blockchain & Construction Cash Flow
- Blockchain & Construction Cash Flow White Paper
- Blockchain Adoption and Opportunities in Hong Kong
- Blockchain Technology to secure Digital Twin data throughout Smart Building's life cycle in a decentralized Circular Economy
- Blockchain and Smart Contracts for Know Your Customer (KYC)
- Blockchain and knowledge-driven model for machine-readable construction standards
- Blockchain for a Circular Digital Built Environment
- Blockchain for enabling Construction 4.0
- Blockchain for regenerative built environment governance
- Blockchain in the Construction Industry: Developing a Conceptual Model for a Resource Sharing Decentralised Application (DApp)
- Bororo (Space Syntax)
- Breaking Boundaries: Smart Contracts combining with Other Tech
- Bridge the Gap: Market Demand and Business Case Studies for Blockchain Technology’s Application in the Built Environment
- Building Blocks of Success: Exploring Real-World Applications of Blockchain
- Building Information Modelling
- Building Information Modelling to Blockchain Integration - from present to the future
- Bursting the soap bubble
- C-space or c type space (Space Syntax)
- CBC.2021.EHQJ3688
- CBC.2021.EJIR2385
- CBC.2021.EOCJ4680
- CBC.2021.ETFA3892
- CBC.2021.ICIG6629
- CBC.2021.JTVV4544
- CBC.2021.JVCK7285
- CBC.2021.LXZR1979
- CBC.2021.NOKH7555
- CBC.2021.NULA5546
- CBC.2021.OVMC1650
- CBC.2021.OVRI6760
- CBC.2021.PBRJ8934
- CBC.2021.PLBH4631
- CBC.2021.QNAQ7017
- CBC.2021.WBNF3640
- CBC.2021.XOLS9741
- CBC.2021.XQOI5629
- CBC.2021.ZIOF9340
- CBC.2021.ZRVF8881
- CBC.2022.BGHU3547
- CBC.2022.BTBB9736
- CBC.2022.ECYJ4448
- CBC.2022.FLFE6485
- CBC.2022.HWGF4214
- CBC.2022.HXSE3834
- CBC.2022.INDC7112
- CBC.2022.ITZI3380
- CBC.2022.JVVS8501
- CBC.2022.KXIN3246
- CBC.2022.LHZZ6027
- CBC.2022.MEYN7090
- CBC.2022.NTAS4551
- CBC.2022.NZWP2618
- CBC.2022.OFXS7060
- CBC.2022.QETF9852
- CBC.2022.RHRA1299
- CBC.2022.RKCF9523
- CBC.2022.RYQY1102
- CBC.2022.TNNR1416
- CBC.2022.TVCV5733
- CBC.2022.WAXE7154
- CBC.2022.WGWC2555
- CBC.2022.WISU2864
- CBC.2022.WJAE7454
- CBC.2022.WKOT8158
- CBC.2022.WQWU1576
- CBC.2022.ZIXT1087
- CBC.2023.AXIT8308
- CBC.2023.DRMJ4777
- CBC.2023.DRMX6981
- CBC.2023.EGRX0769
- CBC.2023.ERCH9582
- CBC.2023.GGBX2206
- CBC.2023.IAEJ8806
- CBC.2023.IXMG7556
- CBC.2023.JCUX7930
- CBC.2023.JMJU5173
- CBC.2023.JUNC8079
- CBC.2023.KAER6633
- CBC.2023.KAJC9931
- CBC.2023.KELI9256
- CBC.2023.KPGV9387
- CBC.2023.LFVG7291
- CBC.2023.LOPX5313
- CBC.2023.LWSF6745
- CBC.2023.MHCK5583
- CBC.2023.MJJE9950
- CBC.2023.MKJP7058
- CBC.2023.MXOA9326
- CBC.2023.MYTX8932
- CBC.2023.OCYO6328
- CBC.2023.ONCX7495
- CBC.2023.OSQG6734
- CBC.2023.PRDP3860
- CBC.2023.RTSR.6988
- CBC.2023.RTSR6988
- CBC.2023.SWKT1811
- CBC.2023.UFWT6820
- CBC.2023.UTUT3922
- CBC.2023.VYIN6961
- CBC.2023.WBZL1863
- CBC.2023.XDKJ0008
- CBC.2023.YKNB7410
- CBC.2023.YUPR4153
- CBC.2023.ZKYI7629
- CBC.2023.ZLED5479
- CBC2021
- CBC 2021
- CBC 2022
- CBC 2023
- COVID-19 and Responsive Legal Agreements using Oracles
- Capturing and Transforming Planning Processes for Smart Contracts
- Capturing the Lifecycle of a Flexnode Edge Micro Data Center
- Carrier space (Space Syntax)
- Case Studies of Contractual (Legal) Automation Using Smart Contracts
- Cellular automata (Space Syntax)
- Central limit theorem (Space Syntax)
- Centrality as a process (Space Syntax)
- Centrality paradox (Space Syntax)
- Centrality principle (Space Syntax)
- Choice (Space Syntax)
- Cities as self-organising systems (Space Syntax)
- Closing Keynote and Future Conferences
- Closing Speech
- Co-awareness (Space Syntax)
- Co-presence (Space Syntax)
- Cognitive Agent-Based Life Process Modelling to Predict Social Performance in Workplace Design
- Collaboration and Creativity: AI, Models, and Heterogeneous Data Sources
- Collective Digital Factories for Buildings: Stigmergic Collaboration Through Cryptoeconomics
- Combinatorial explosion (Space Syntax)
- Community Ownership and the Infrastructure Investment Gap
- Compactness vs linearity (Space Syntax)
- Components Fusion in Modo Foundry
- Computation
- Computational Design in Railway Simulations: Challenges and Hope in Timetable Engineering
- Concave space (Space Syntax)
- Conceptualising the Role of Blockchain in Enhancing Construction Claims Management
- Conference Closing Keynote
- Conference Opening Keynote
- Configuration (Space Syntax)
- Configurational inequalities (Space Syntax)
- Configurational persistence (Space Syntax)
- Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
- Connectivity (Space Syntax)
- Conservative process (Space Syntax)
- Constituted space (Space Syntax)
- Construction Blockchain
- Construction Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection: Significance, Overlaps, and Proposed Action Plan
- Construction Project Management
- Constructive Geometry
- Contiguity principle (Space Syntax)
- Continuity-lines (Space Syntax)
- Contract Management in the Construction Industry by Integrating Building Information Modelling and Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts
- Control (Space Syntax)
- Converse interface map (Space Syntax)
- Convex adjacency graph (Space Syntax)
- Convex interface map (Space Syntax)
- Convex map (Space Syntax)
- Convex space (Space Syntax)
- Convex space breakup (Space Syntax)
- Convexity (Space Syntax)
- Correlation coefficient (Space Syntax)
- Covex analysis (Space Syntax)
- Craftmanship
- Creativity
- Crowd simulation
- Cryptographic decentralized data store for critical building information and insights
- Cummulative isovist (Space Syntax)
- Current: A Platform for Urban Archive
- Cybersecurity of Digital Twins in the Built Environment
- D-Star: System Feature for Interacting with Alternatives
- D-space or d type space (Space Syntax)
- D-value (Space Syntax)
- DCIO.2020.BNRH6093
- DCIO.2020.DGBN4062
- DCIO.2020.EIYA3557
- DCIO.2020.EUFB9131
- DCIO.2020.GAXC3484
- DCIO.2020.GZXS6328
- DCIO.2020.ISIG1692
- DCIO.2020.JFAW5149
- DCIO.2020.JNCN6351
- DCIO.2020.JZAN7781
- DCIO.2020.KGQD8189
- DCIO.2020.MQSO4855
- DCIO.2020.NBNB5275
- DCIO.2020.ONZD4324
- DCIO.2020.PNMR3786
- DCIO.2020.QBLY2009
- DCIO.2020.QPRF9890
- DCIO.2020.QYGO1149
- DCIO.2020.RGSP3865
- DCIO.2020.THHT2676
- DCIO.2020.TJHP6808
- DCIO.2020.ULBU4970
- DCIO.2020.ULSX8639
- DCIO.2020.VJHP5664
- DCIO.2020.VWEG6251
- DCIO.2020.VYBA4375
- DCIO.2020.WLUY7415
- DCIO.2020.ZIMR9253
- DCIO.2020.ZMWM8387
- DCIO.2021.AKNA9756
- DCIO.2021.BHZU8729
- DCIO.2021.BQWA4589
- DCIO.2021.BSJG3760
- DCIO.2021.BSVR8376
- DCIO.2021.BXMI1626
- DCIO.2021.CQSD1455
- DCIO.2021.CRZN5183
- DCIO.2021.CUUX3225
- DCIO.2021.DDJD8821
- DCIO.2021.DMPO9826
- DCIO.2021.DVXN7043
- DCIO.2021.EGLI1102
- DCIO.2021.ENAB9070
- DCIO.2021.GTDM7599
- DCIO.2021.GTPP9994
- DCIO.2021.HSPW7821
- DCIO.2021.JGRN4011
- DCIO.2021.JSZE2664
- DCIO.2021.JTCT3860
- DCIO.2021.LLKQ5591
- DCIO.2021.SOHT4178
- DCIO.2021.UDSU8630
- DCIO.2021.VQOI1604
- DCIO.2021.VQSV3609
- DCIO.2021.WJOD8510
- DCIO.2021.WLLI4769
- DCIO.2021.XJZH2432
- DCIO.2021.ZPDW5322
- DCIO.2021.ZQQI4292
- DCIO.2021.ZWZF7054
- DCIO.2021.ZZQQI4292
- DCIO.2022.ACSL3567
- DCIO.2022.AXBL8798
- DCIO.2022.CAXL3310
- DCIO.2022.EQAD1156
- DCIO.2022.FBEO7122